Our Impact


Mailbox Decorations

Every holiday season, Laurelwood Garden Club raises $10,000 for Lookout Mountain School and Fairyland School by selling its handcrafted mailbox decorations. Each school receives $5,000 to maintain and enhance their grounds.


  • Community Outdoor Spaces (Ongoing)

    For decades, Laurelwood Garden Club has planted and maintained a number of public spaces. Our ongoing projects include the Navarre Pavillion, Fairyland Elementary School, Lookout Mountain Elementary School, and Ochs Triangle.

  • Fairyland Elementary School Stone Sign (2023)

    The club supported creating a new sign made of mountain stone at the entrance of Fairyland Elementary School. The sign stands as a beautiful backdrop for colorful annuals in the school’s front garden bed and a welcoming centerpiece to residents and visitors

  • Lookout Mountain School Outdoor Classroom (2022)

    Alongside The Garden Club of Lookout Mountain, Laurelwood Garden Club enhanced an existing outdoor learning area, reworked aspects of the former fountain, and provided transitional seating for teachers and students. We took an environmental conservation approach in collaboration with the LMS Board of Directors, Hamilton County Department of Education architects, and local contractors.

  • Mountain Tree Planting (2019)

    The club planted over 40 trees at Lookout Mountain School, Fairyland School, the Commons, Carter Field, and between Watauga and Sunset road with help from Robert Parks of T.U. Parks and equipment generously donated by Green Valley Land Solutions. Two beautiful hedges of Magnolia (at LMS) and Arborvitae (at Fairyland) were also installed, and community members got involved by dedicating trees and benches.

  • Fairyland Elementary School Pond (1967)

    The very first project of the Laurelwood Garden Club was the beautification of the Fairyland School pond in 1967. Five years in the making, the pond is currently an outdoor classroom for elementary students, featuring a redwood deck to aid in the study of science, nature and plain old “fun fishing” for the boys and girls.

“For trimming shrubs and trees, providing fresh mulch, and planting flowers, we are extremely grateful to Laurelwood Garden Club for helping Fairyland School stay beautiful all year long!”

— Jeremy Roerdink, Former Fairyland School Principal